Is AI replacing freelance writers? Yes, but only the low quality writers. This is a good thing because it’s cutting the human competition to a fraction and if you can break through the AI competition, you’ll be in a position to write very little but get paid big. But how EXACTLY do you do that? This is how…

  1. Use AI against AI content.
  2. Create a unique image of your services.
  3. Create a sales funnel for that image.

I’ll elaborate on this 3-stage process for the rest of this post. This is a long-term strategy, however you should start seeing results in a month if you follow through this.

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Freelance writing
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Using AI against AI content

ChatGPT has been the nightmare in the freelance writer space. Even writing agencies with long lists of loyal customers felt the hit because now, anyone can produce a professional and error-free piece of content by only punching in a command prompt in ChatGPT.

No one feels like hiring a writer anymore, let alone be willing to pay them handsomely. That’s the bad news. The good news is this same bad news simultaneously creates an opportunity for outside-the-box writers.

Because anyone can create tonnes of content, the whole internet is flooding with AI generated content. This makes original, humanly and factually correct content so rare on the internet. And that’s the opportunity.

Understand the opportunity

  • All search engines are in a rat race adapting to the floods of AI generated content.
  • Their obvious objective is filtering all the AI content and rank original content first in SERPs.
  • Google has gone as far as seemingly killing blogging through their Helpful Content Update to filter AI and fluff content, and reward sites like Reddit with original and unoptimizised content.
  • Therefore there is a new format of the same content that is ranking: original and unoptimizised content.
  • Every brand/blogger out there that was affected by the Helpful Content Update wants to recover.
  • This is the opportunity. You can be their recovery tool.

This is a new trend starting and it won’t just end in writing for people who want to rank in SERPS. Any industry whose performance depends on people being genuine and original will need writers. Here’s a small peak.


Undesired AI impact


Search engines

AI generated content with lots of fluff and little value conjesting the SERPs

Filter AI generated content and push it down. e.g Helpful Content Update

Job market

AI generated cover letters, resumes and portfolios that do not mirror the applicant.

Filter and discard AI generated documents in job applications.


Students using the likes of ChatGPT to write assignments, project papers and research papers.

Identify AI generated content in student's work disqualify them.

Your freelance writing competitive edge

This is your weapon to beat all the AI generated content out there. No matter the niche you’re writing in, all you have to do is make sure your content is original and fact-checked.

Being original means it has never been seen on the internet, therefore has never been plagiarized elsewhere or regurgitated by AI models like ChatGPT.

How to make sure your content is original and fact-checked

  1. Write your article as usual.
  2. Scan your article using It’s the best AI tool in the industry that scans for originality, AI plagiarism, paraphrase plagiarism and readability.
  3. After shows you green lights, you can publish with integrity and certainty that this content is original.

You can even show your client the originality report of the content as proof that the content your wrote was not plagiarized or AI generated. You’ll be using an AI tool( to debunk AI content, hence I called this step ‘Using AI against AI content’.

Create a unique image of your services

You’ll be demanding clients to pay you handsomely (please don’t go below $500) while they have the option of going on Fiverr to get their work done at a much cheaper price.

So you need to be unique and present yourself as the go-to expert to justify your high prices. Think of these pointers as your standards.

Pointers for a top-tier freelance writer

  • Remove yourself from freelance sites like Fiverr and Upwork. People are not really looking for talent on those sites. They just want cheap labour. You don’t want to work with those people.
  • Have a portfolio website. Design the home page to be the landing page. You can build this for free, will show you below.
  • Niche down hard. Limit yourself to just one topic. If you’re going to write about Tropical Islands, stick to that only. This will make it easier to convert interested visitors into clients.
  • When you deliver your writings, send it along with other reports to validate claims in your writing if you’ve made claims, add plagiarism reports and readability-level scans (you can get all these by using auditing tools like to show your client that you’ve done your job very well and leave them with no questions.
  • This one is stressfully important. Be professional. Do not be flexible to people’s demands. Your client is your CLIENT, not your boss. Don’t beg, don’t compromise, don’t cheat and don’t negotiate. (I’m a retired freelancer, I know what I’m talking about.)
  • Have a defined workflow that fosters transparency and communication with your clients. I can’t be specific here because each niche may have different needs. A way around this is breaking down the needs of your typical client and make each need a question your client has to answer before you start working on their content.

Create a sales funnel for that image

This is business. You’re not just writing. Therefore you need a backend marketing structure in place. Don’t get intimidated if you’ve never done that before, it’s not hard and it’s free. The sales funnel builder of choice is (everything’s free forever, no catch. So long your email contacts are less than 2000).

If you’ve never built a sales funnel in your entire life, you may have to go through this free course on making funnels with It’s basically the same as Clickfunnels, with the exception of being free

Benefits for having a sales funnel in place

  • You don’t lose paying clients. When you’re niched down hard, your previous clients remain relevant and you keep pitching yourself through emails crafted to give value but pitch your writing services at the same time.
  • Conversion rates are higher.
  • Over time, you create multiple gateways for leads to fall into the same funnel. E.g. landing pages, portfolio, blog, social media.
  • You’ll reach a point where your email list has more than enough clients keeping you busy. You won’t need to look for clients anymore.