The whole point of companies spending a tonne of money in technological research is to make tech make our lives easier. And the kitchen is a very sensitive room of any home. I mean who doesn’t want to enjoy what they eat.

So a lot of clever application of technology is constantly being done to develop innovative and useful kitchen gadgets to make cooking easier, faster and cleaner. Here’s a list of gadgets like that.

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1. Electric Citrus Juicer

credit: Amazon

If you’ve ever wanted to make fruit juice in your kitchen, you’d reach for the blender and cut all your fruits into little pieces and then blend them. But for citrus fruits like oranges or lemons, you’d have to manually squeeze the juice in your cup because you know what happens when you blend citrus fruits.

The juice tastes a little grrrr-yuck because of the blended seeds. This electric citrus juicer solves that problem. You can now make citrus fruit juice much faster and without worrying about seeds spoiling your drink. All the work you do with this juicer is cutting the fruit in a half, install it in the juicer, press a button and boom, you get your fruit juice in seconds. Fascinating kitchenware if you ask me. Check it out here.

2. Vacuum Sealer Machine

Kitchen vacuum sealer
credit: Amazon

This baby seals all kinds of food to preserve it for longer. There have been lots of seals before but this one is an upgrade. For most vacuum sealers, you have to press the lid with Herculean strength so that it’s air-tight and can perform its job well.

However, this particular vacuum sealer has fancy mechanical modules to it that makes it effortless to use. You only need one hand to gently close it, and then it seals itself, sucks all the air out of the bag and tadaaa, food lasts for months in storage. Check it out here.

3. Mueller Pro-Series All-in-One, 12 Blade Mandoline slicer

12 slicer kitchenware
credit: Amazon

This one has been around for a while. Hardly worthy to call it a new kitchen gadget but it’s topping the list because it is sooo useful. I only got it because I hate the way onions make me drop tears while chopping them. Like they’re magically punishing me for chopping them, creepy right?

But its not just for onion. You can chop a lot of vegetables with this. Save yourself the time you’d spent doing the traditional and boring samurai way of chopping veggies by getting this ‘press-to-chop’ gadget. Check it out.

4. Rapid Egg Cooker

Fast egg cooker
credit: Amazon

Not even talking about the freak speed of cooking eggs, this gadget makes you boil eggs without water. And as if that’s not witchcrafty enough, you can also adjust the firmness of the eggs.

Even if you go do a masters degree in cooking eggs, you’ll never reach a level of control in cooking boiled eggs than when you have this little baby. It can take up a max of 6 eggs. I think that’s a good deal. Learn more.

5. Frozen Fruit Soft Serve Maker

yonanas free frozen fruit server maker
credit: Amazon

This innovation invented a brand new kind of food. Ever heard of fruit ice cream. Not fruit-flavoured ice cream but fruit ice cream as in the ice cream version of a particular fruit. Makes sense?

You freeze the fruits you want, bananas or strawberries or whatever, then drop the frozen fruit in that thingy and switch it on. The machine poops fruit ice cream. This is great especially if you’re a vegetarian or if you’re following a diet. Making variations of the same food can go a long way. Learn more about this gadget.

6. Fradel Digital Kitchen Food Scale

Electric Food scale
credit: Amazon

If you’re the type that tries out new methods and recipes in your kitchen, you definitely need a food scale. I have a confession to make. I love food but not so much the work that comes with cooking it. So one day my girlfriend invites me to her place for dinner. She serves me what she called Liver Pilaf.

It hit the spot for me so I asked how she made it so I can make it too at my place. She texted me the recipe and even gave me the left-over ingredients so I don’t have to go shopping for them.

I remember reading an instruction saying “Measure 250g of liver” and I just threw two handfuls of liver in the pot. Another one said “Measure 20 grams of pine nuts..”. I just pinched some nuts and sprinkled them in the pot.

After the dish was done cooking, it looked exactly like my girl’s dish to my eyes but it did not taste the same on my tongue. It missed the spot by a looong shot. Huge takeaway from this little story is how important measurements of ingredients are when cooking.

Especially when cooking with lots of ingredients, the quality of the dish really depends on the proportions of all those ingredients mixed and cooked together. So get this electronically calibrated food scale and use it for all your cooking quests.

7. Mason Jar Vaccum Sealer

Mason jar vacuum sealer
credit: Amazon

If you use Manson jars to store food, you need a vaccum sealer like this to suck all the air out to preserve your foodies. It works quitely and for multiple jar-moth sizes. Learn more about it here.

8. Rechargeable electric can opener

Can opener
credit: Amazon

Back in the day I used to open cans with a knife. It always left my knife a little blunt and my knuckles cracking. But thanks to whoever invented this gadget, opening a can doesn’t feel like a wrestling match anymore.

This can opener works smooth and clean, only needing you to put it over the can and pressing a button for it to do its magic. You can can check it out here

9. Yoghurt Maker Machine

Yoghurt Maker machine
credit: Amazon

If you’ve ever made yoghurt in your home you probably had to scoop the milk in different bowels, moving it back and forth between the oven and refrigerator. Well, this machine takes the labour off your hands.

All you do is put the milk in, probiotics and press a button. It makes your yoghurt in a few hours. You don’t have to worry about regulating temperatures, it automates the whole process. You can configure it to make different types of yoghurt to fit your preference. Learn more about it here.

10. Handheld Milk Frother

Milk Frother
credit: Amazon

Last but not least on the list, we have this baby. Milk frothers are not a brand new thing. They have been with us since the 80s but they only existed as relatively sizeable machines you wouldn’t carry around. So you’d only find them in commercial kitchens and coffee shops but rarely in a small family kitchen.

But technology has improved and the frother has been reduced to the size of a cooking spoon. And the price has dropped as well. Now any Tom and Jerry can make cappuccinos and lattes in their bachelor’s kitchen effortlessly. Interesting huh, check it out.

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