AI is increasing the rate of change in our economic climate on a global scale. For people who adapt fast, becoming millionaires is becoming easier and easier while for the stiff-necked, everything is becoming harder and harder. Over 86 million jobs are going down the drain by 2026 just because of AI.

This is a huge opportunity if you really think about it. There’s a loooot of money up for grabs here. So instead of whining about the great loss coming, you can work on building the leverage that AI offers for yourself.

The Great Opportunity | ADAPT or DIE

If I had to describe the effects of AI tech in a single sentence, it would be this:

AI is making everything fast

That’s all it’s doing.

Ten years ago, an artist would take 3 days to create a masterpiece painting. Then put AI in the picture, it now takes 2 seconds to produce the same thing and you don’t even need to be an artist to make that happen. The same goes for accountants, publishers, teachers, designers, managers, builders, the list goes on.

With the rate of research and development on AI tech, even complex jobs like engineering, and medicine will be going down the drain too. People are going to lose their jobs to machines. Make peace with that fact.

As far as business is concerned, AI can take away the jobs of all the employees but it can’t take away the owner of the business. The positions of control and ownership will always have people calling the shots. You need to be one of these people to be on the receiving side of the great loss coming.

If you’re a business owner, you’ll be happy that AI is coming to make things easier. That’s how you’ll adapt.

AI sprinting revenue

The most impactful way AI boosts revenue is by delivering personalized experiences that delight customers and keep them coming back for more.

  • Tailored Recommendations: AI can analyze customer behavior and preferences to recommend products or services that match their interests. This not only enhances the shopping experience but also increases the likelihood of repeat purchases. Related | Use AI to get more personal with clients
  • Dynamic Pricing: AI can adjust prices in real time based on demand, competition, and customer behavior. This ensures that you’re always offering competitive prices while maximizing your margins. For example, airlines and hotels use AI to adjust prices based on booking trends and availability.
  • Targeted Marketing: AI can help you segment your audience and create personalized marketing campaigns. By understanding customer preferences and behaviors, AI can deliver the right message to the right person at the right time, increasing conversion rates and boosting sales.
  • Automated Processes: AI can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, invoicing, and customer service. This not only reduces labor costs but also speeds up processes and minimizes errors, allowing your team to focus on more strategic activities. Related | How AI Can Supercharge Your Business Efficiency and Cut Costs
  • Sales Forecasting: AI can predict future sales trends by analyzing historical data and current market conditions. Accurate sales forecasting allows you to plan inventory, allocate resources, and set realistic revenue goals, ensuring you’re always prepared for what’s next.
  • Risk Management: AI can identify potential risks by analyzing data and detecting anomalies. Whether it’s financial risk, supply chain disruptions, or customer churn, AI helps you mitigate risks before they impact your business.
  • Competitive Advantage: By leveraging AI for innovation, businesses can stay ahead of the competition. Whether it’s through better products, superior customer service, or more efficient operations, AI helps you gain a competitive edge in the market.

I can go on and on about what AI does here. How exactly you can use AI in your business depends on your specific business. I understand not all of us are tech geeks. You might not be fully aware of all the corners of your business that can be automated using AI.

We can help you do just that.

Discover how AI can be used in your business
