Everyone is looking for that magic wand to make business operations smoother and cut costs. There have been traditional ways to make businesses run sustainably but they always involve creating another problem by solving another. But AI seems to play a win-win mojo with little to no risk at all.

Imagine having an extra set of hands – or better yet, a super brain that works tirelessly around the clock, doesn’t need coffee breaks, and learns from its own mistakes. That’s AI for you. But instead of a cape, it comes with algorithms and data analytics.

Streamlining Operations | Bye-Bye Bottlenecks

I have a mentor. He says the most important thing in business is speed. Whether it’s a product or a service, when someone has expressed interest in it, we gotta pitch it to them FAST. When a customer has bought the thing, it has to be delivered to them FAST.

If the client needs help with the product, we render assistance instantly. When everything is fast, the customers are happy, we serve more customers per unit time and make more moolah per unit time.

Until the emergence of AI, being fast in business was only achievable by hiring/employing more top-talent staff and having iron-fisted managers to keep everyone working at their peak performance. This comes with a huge trade-off.

Top talent costs top dollar. You’ll be lucky if your payroll doesn’t push your profit margin into the negative a.k.a running your business at a loss. The majority of big companies we know today ran into this problem and had to run for years without tasting a single dollar in profit.

But now there’s AI. It’s still young but already producing a new kind of leverage in the business community that CANNOT be ignored. All the repetitive business operations that need doing can be done using AI-powered automations. And an automation just runs when it has to, it doesn’t get tired. AI-powered automations can be implemented in literally every part of a business.

Business operations you can automate

  • Marketing
  • Lead nurturing
  • Lead scoring
  • The sales process
  • Service delivery
  • In-house operations (invoicing, reports, accounts, stuff like that)
  • Customer service

Not all businesses are the same so each business has to implement its unique set of AI-powered automations to be as efficient as possible.

For example, a shipping company might be heavy on SMS automations to give real-time updates to clients about the whereabouts of their shipments, and on the other hand, an affiliate business could go all-in on automations to create marketing content on Pinterest, Tiktok, and YouTube.

Your business is unique too. You might not be aware of all the corners of your business that can be automated using AI. That’s why we exist. We can help you get started. From learning what AI can do for your specific business to actually implementing the AI-powered automations and getting them running.

